Free Master Series

5 Days to Fall in Love with Your ADHD Brain

Spring 2023

Pink Roses

Learn How to Fall in Love with Your ADHD Brain 

A FREE 5 Day Master Series 

Spring 2023


ADHD is not a disorder; it's a brain difference.

I don’t believe in pathologizing neurodiversity, and I certainly don’t believe that ADHD is a disorder. It’s just a different brain that requires its own user’s manual to be wildly successful. We don’t pathologize a peony for needing a different environment than a rose, do we? Similarly, we shouldn’t pathologize brilliant women (Yes, I’m talking to you!) who have non-linear, creative ways of thinking, processing, and learning.

In just 5 days, I’m going to show you how to fall in love with your ADHD brain.

Join 5 Days to Fall in Love with Your ADHD Brain and make 2022 the year that everything changes!

It's Time to Stop Feeling: 

  • Broken and defective

  • Exhausted by a brain that just won't shut off

  • Paralyzed by indecision

  • Like you have no strengths

That ends NOW!

About Tracy

Welcome! I’m the host of the podcast, ADHD for Smart Ass Women which is ranked in the top .05% worldwide on any subject and an ADDCA certified ADHD coach. 

I’m also the founder of the Facebook group of the same name, which boasts over 75K members who are quick-witted, high-ability, and see their ADHD symptoms as more positive than negative. 

I lead a mastermind called Your ADHD Brain is A-OK! that uses my 6-step patented system for discovering your strengthsstepping into your purpose, and living to your potential, as well as my new planning system called A-OK! EVERY DAY. 

I graduated from Georgetown Law School, investigated cases for the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission (SNORE), and built a high-end women’s wear company whose clients included Saks Fifth Avenue, Neiman Marcus, and Nordstrom. I also sold countless foreclosed properties for banks as a real estate broker and know EXACTLY what it feels like to be spit on by a vicious and unneutered camel. (Yes, you read that right. A camel.)  And yup, I'm definitely an ADHDer just like you! 

Where Will You Go With This Workshop?


  • Learn how your ADHD brain works

  • Discover how ADHD looks different in women

  • Replace shame with pride

  • Create your own ADHD User's Manual

  • Find out how to make better, more confident decisions

  • Stop that ruminating brain in its tracks

What's Included?

Training #1: Understanding ADHD in Women

September 12, 2022

In ADHD, ignorance is public enemy #1. Sadly, many healthcare professionals don't know what ADHD looks like in women.

Join us as we talk about hormones, late-onset ADHD, sexism and what ADHD really looks like in women so you can finally complete your own ADHD puzzle.

Training #2: How to Build Your Own ADHD User’s Manual

September 14, 2022

Together we’ll discover the six tenets (knowledge, dopamine enhancers, perspective, gold stars, workarounds, and connection) of living to your full potential with an ADHD brain. Then, you’ll build your own ADHD User’s Manual so that you know how to work with your brain instead of against it.

Training #3: Answering That "What Do I Do With My Life?" Question

September 15, 2022

The ADHD brain is a brain of interest. We don’t have a deficit of attention; we have a surplus of attention. Often, we struggle to determine which of our many ideas is the one we should pursue. You’ll come away from training #3  with tools to help you make better, quicker, and more confident decisions in your personal and professional life.

What People Are Saying


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Enter your name and email below for ACCESS to our FREE What Do I Do With My Life? Master Class